Wellness News & Information - Forks Over Knives https://cms.forksoverknives.com/wellness/ Plant Based Living Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:09:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://www.forksoverknives.com/uploads/2023/10/cropped-cropped-Forks_Favicon-1.jpg?auto=webp&width=32&height=32 Wellness News & Information - Forks Over Knives https://cms.forksoverknives.com/wellness/ 32 32 Culinary Medicine at NYU: Dr. Sara Zayed’s Mission to Revolutionize Medical Education https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/culinary-medicine-training-for-nyu-med-students-dr-sara-zayed-interview/ https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/culinary-medicine-training-for-nyu-med-students-dr-sara-zayed-interview/#respond Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:09:13 +0000 /?p=166497 Recent medical school graduate Sara Zayed, MD, traded a career in software engineering to pursue a plant-based primary care practice. But she’s...

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Recent medical school graduate Sara Zayed, MD, traded a career in software engineering to pursue a plant-based primary care practice. But she’s not just helping patients: By spearheading a Culinary Medicine curriculum at NYU, she’s changing the game for doctors in training. FOK spoke with Zayed about her transition into the medical world, why she believes plant-based nutrition education is essential for the next generation of doctors, and how daily rituals play a large role in her health. 

What made you decide to go plant-based and switch careers?

Sara Zayed: I lost my father to a heart attack. Before he passed away, someone had gifted him Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. So it was just laying around his house, and one day I picked it up, and it all clicked. I’d been having migraines, acne, and poor sleep. I [went plant-based and] was shocked by how much better I felt. Software engineering has its value, but I realized I wanted to have a direct impact on people. I started working as a medical assistant at Ethos Primary Care in New Jersey, where I saw how powerful plant-based nutrition can be. Patients would lose dozens of pounds they never expected to lose, or safely go off medications, saying they felt like they had a new lease on life. It was very moving.

What inspired you to spearhead a plant-based nutrition course at your med school, NYU Grossman? 

SZ: I received really quality medical training, but the curriculum only had a sprinkling of hours that focused on nutrition. So [the Culinary Medicine program] was birthed from the very real need for students to receive more in-depth training. I think nutrition is viewed only as a preventative measure and not as a tool that people in all sectors of the medical field can use to treat patients. For example, a surgeon who’s spending all their time in the operating room could use nutrition to help patients recover from surgery faster—or avoid it altogether. One of the patients we worked with at Ethos Primary Care was scheduled for knee surgery, but after changing her diet and lifestyle, she no longer needed it. 

What do students learn in the course?

SZ: It’s seven sessions total. The first lecture focuses on the evidence behind plant-based nutrition. Then there are three didactic sessions where students learn about chronic ailments such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Those lectures are paired with interactive sessions in a professional kitchen where they learn how to cook plant-based meals. The whole idea is that if you know how to apply these principles to your own life, then you’re going to be more effective at counseling patients about it. 

How did students respond to last year’s introduction of the Culinary Medicine curriculum?

SZ: One hundred percent of students said that they would recommend the program, and we saw a significant increase in those who said they were now comfortable with their knowledge for counseling patients. 

How has your Muslim faith influenced your perspective on medicine? 

SZ: Something I always tell people is that our bodies are an amanah, an Arabic word which means trust. We’ve been entrusted with these bodies. When we treat our bodies poorly, it’s like damaging something that’s been loaned to us for safekeeping. If you’re chronically ill and don’t have energy, then you can’t spend time with your family, you can’t be productive, you can’t serve others, and it’s harder to turn inwards and connect with God. Think of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: If you aren’t getting the basic needs of health and safety met, you can’t self-actualize and fulfill your life’s purpose. Apart from a WFPB diet, I feel strongly about embodying the other pillars of lifestyle medicine, which are sleep, exercise, mindfulness, and social connection. I try to always get 7 to 8 hours of sleep, work out every day, and meditate each morning for at least 10 minutes.

What impact do you hope to make as you begin your primary care practice?

SZ: A pet peeve of mine is the idea that patients aren’t interested in changing their diet. During my year of rotations so many patients said, “I don’t want to go on lots of medications. What else can I try?” The reality is that most doctors have a deficit in knowledge about how to counsel patients on changing their lifestyles, so we shy away from it. Having WFPB nutrition training as a primary care doctor can make a huge difference.

3 Tips for Creating a Sustainable Meditation Practice 

As a proponent of lifestyle medicine, Zayed is passionate about starting each day with a few minutes of mindfulness. Check out her tips for trying a morning meditation routine. 

1. Avoid setting “goals” for a meditation session. The purpose is to nonjudgmentally explore whatever arises in your mind, heart, and body so you can feel centered as you start the day. 

2. Close your eyes and choose something to focus on, such as your breath or a sensation in your body. Notice how your experience of that focal point may change or deepen as time passes. 

3. If your mind wanders, gently draw your attention back to your object of focus. It’s normal to have thoughts; see if you can allow them to come and go with loving kindness and avoid getting fixated on one thing. 

To learn more about a whole-food, plant-based diet, visit our Plant-Based Primer. For meal-planning support, check out Forks Meal Planner, FOK’s easy weekly meal-planning tool to keep you on a healthy plant-based path.

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What Happens When 1 Twin Goes Vegan and the Other Keeps Eating Meat? New Stanford Medicine Study Investigates https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/new-twin-vegan-diet-study-from-stanford-medicine-2023/ https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/new-twin-vegan-diet-study-from-stanford-medicine-2023/#respond Tue, 12 Dec 2023 18:29:16 +0000 /?p=166140 Editor’s Note (Dec. 15, 2023): A docu-series about the Stanford Medicine twin study is coming to Netflix on Jan. 1, 2024. Watch...

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Editor’s Note (Dec. 15, 2023): A docu-series about the Stanford Medicine twin study is coming to Netflix on Jan. 1, 2024. Watch the trailer for You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment here!

With the help of identical twins, a team of researchers at Stanford Medicine have uncovered some of the most compelling evidence yet that a vegan diet can significantly improve heart health in as little as two months.

How It Worked

For the randomized controlled trial, the team recruited 22 pairs of healthy adult identical twins via the Stanford Twin Registry, a database of twins who have signed up to participate in research. At the outset of the study, the researchers drew participants’ blood and recorded their weight. Then they assigned one twin from each pair to follow a vegan diet for eight weeks, and the other to an omnivorous diet.

The researchers ensured that both diets were as healthful as possible, with both the vegan and omnivore diets containing ample vegetables, beans, fruits, and whole grains and minimal sugar and refined starches. The omnivorous diet additionally included chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, and dairy. For the first four weeks, breakfasts, lunches, and dinners were provided via a meal-delivery service seven days a week for all participants. For the final eight weeks of the study, they prepared their own meals.

What They Discovered

At four weeks and eight weeks, the researchers again drew blood samples and weighed the participants again. They found that, at the halfway point, the twins eating vegan had already seen significant improvements in their cardiometabolic health, with lower LDL cholesterol, insulin, and body weight. By the completion of the study, the vegan group had reduced their LDL by around 14% and their fasting insulin levels by 20%. They’d also lost, on average, 4.2 pounds more than the omnivorous group.

The results were published November 30 in JAMA Network Open. “The findings from this trial suggest that a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardiometabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet,” the authors concluded.

Why This Study Is Groundbreaking

Over the past few decades, there’s been no shortage of research supporting the health benefits of plant-based diets, with dozens of studies linking them to lower rates of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. But the vast majority of these studies are observational, which can make it hard to pinpoint cause and effect: Are these people healthier because they’re eating a more plant-based diet, or do people who are already healthier for other reasons tend to follow a more plant-based diet?

Randomized clinical trials (RCTs), a gold standard in scientific research, allow scientists to control for extensive variables so that they can more confidently identify cause and effect. Other interventional studies on vegan or plant-based diets conducted to date have found similarly promising results. A July 2023 meta-analysis of 20 RCTs found reductions in LDL cholesterol and body weight for participants assigned to vegetarian, vegan, and plant-based diets.

RCTs involving identical twins afford researchers the additional advantage of subjects with virtually identical genes and similar upbringings. Christopher Gardner, PhD, senior author of the Stanford Medicine study and a professor of medicine at the university, commented afterward that the study provided “a groundbreaking way to assert that a vegan diet is healthier than the conventional omnivore diet.”

“Based on these results and thinking about longevity, most of us would benefit from going to a more plant-based diet,” Gardner said.

To learn more about a whole-food, plant-based diet, visit our Plant-Based Primer. For meal-planning support, check out Forks Meal Planner, FOK’s easy weekly meal-planning tool to keep you on a healthy plant-based path.

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Recommended Reading: Our 12 Favorite Vegan Books of 2023 https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/best-vegan-books-of-2023/ https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/best-vegan-books-of-2023/#respond Thu, 07 Dec 2023 18:43:21 +0000 /?p=166004 2023 was another eventful year in the plant-based corner of the publishing world. From tantalizing new vegan cookbooks to cutting-edge nutrition research,...

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2023 was another eventful year in the plant-based corner of the publishing world. From tantalizing new vegan cookbooks to cutting-edge nutrition research, there’s no shortage of good reads that traverse the intersection of health and plant-based lifestyles. We’ve gathered together our favorite vegan books released in the past 12 months to celebrate these influential authors and give you some holiday gift ideas for all the herbivores in your life. 

Editor’s note: FOK may collect a small share of sales from some of the links on this page, though it doesn’t influence our picks.

Plant-Based on a Budget: Quick & Easy by Toni Okamoto 

Get the most bang for your buck when you dive into the colorful and cost-effective world of Toni Okamoto’s plant-based cooking. Featuring 100 WFPB recipes, Okamoto’s sophomore release focuses on making healthy eating affordable and efficient so people of all economic backgrounds can prioritize their well-being. Okamoto cites both her family’s long struggle with chronic disease and her experience living below the poverty line as the primary motivators for creating this collection of inexpensive recipes. “I wanted to help people who felt sentenced to poor health due to a lack of finances to understand that there were alternatives,” she says. Apart from being kind to your bank account, Okamoto’s latest book is packed full of tasty meals that are inspired by her Mexican-American upbringing, including Sopa de Fideo, Potato Tacos, and Sheet Pan Nachos. Find Plant-Based on a Budget: Quick & Easy on Amazon.

How Not to Age by Dr. Michael Greger, M.D., F.A.C.L.M.

Dr. Michael Greger, a heavy-hitter in the WFPB world and founder of NutritionFacts.org, returns yet again with another insightful book that weaves together groundbreaking anti-aging research with actionable tips on living a longer life. In How Not to Age, Greger explains how plant foods can slow down, and even interrupt, the aging process—something that Big Pharma and the beauty industry don’t want you to know. He posits that the right diet can help you avoid age-related diseases and relinquish your reliance on expensive face creams, allowing you to focus on eating your way toward lasting vitality instead of spending a small fortune trying to retain your youth. If you love to know the “why” behind some of our most misunderstood biological processes, this book is an excellent deep-dive into the realm of using food as medicine. Find How Not to Age on Amazon

Seed to Plate, Soil to Sky: Modern Plant-Based Recipes using Native American Ingredients by Lois Ellen Frank, Ph.D., and Walter Whitewater

Food is often the backbone of culture, and this vibrant cookbook from Lois Ellen Frank and Walter Whitewater explores the unique plant-based diet of Native Americans prior to European colonization. The collection of more than 100 recipes focuses on the eight key ingredients that constituted the bulk of the Native American diet: corn, beans, squash, chile, tomato, potato, vanilla, and cacao. These foods, which would later revolutionize cooking around the world, are highlighted both in their traditional forms and in delightful modern twists within the pages of this richly photographed book. “We are in a time when our young generation wants to learn our traditional ways … and especially the foods that sustained our ancestors,” says Frank. White adds: “With songs, stories, and traditional food, we can make [our community] well again, using food as medicine.” Interwoven throughout the sumptuous recipes are engaging discussions on indigenous history, food sovereignty, and environmental sustainability to ensure your meals come with a side of important cultural context. Find Seed to Plate, Soil to Sky: Modern Plant-Based Recipes using Native American Ingredients on Amazon

The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer by Dan Buettner

Want to live to be 100? National Geographic explorer Dan Buettner has dedicated his life to discovering how to do just that. Several decades ago the concept of Blue Zones—the places on Earth with the largest population of centenarians—became widely recognized in the public health sector. After successfully raising the average life expectancy in several cities with Blue Zones–inspired initiatives, Buettner revisited his groundbreaking work to tease out even more tips on how to live healthier, for longer. This gorgeously photographed book outlines the key principles of Blue Zones and how to apply them to your own life, no matter where in the world you call home. Featuring engaging interviews, tasty recipes, and actionable to-do lists, The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer will inspire you to switch things up so you can make the most out of your time on this beautiful planet. Find The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer on Amazon. 

Plantifully Lean by Kiki Nelson

Equal parts vegan cookbook and motivational self-help guide, Plantifully Lean is the culmination of Kiki Nelson’s firsthand knowledge about taking control of your health through a plant-based diet. Nelson’s battle with high blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol led her to discover a WFPB lifestyle that helped her naturally lose weight without counting calories. Her debut book, based on the insights she shares on her blog of the same name, is peppered with inspiring stories, self-love, and tons of scrumptious meals that will nourish you from the inside out. “I wrote the manual that I wish I’d had,” Nelson says. “Everything that I’ve learned, all my trial and error, it’s all been fine-tuned and summed up in this book.” Nelson approaches health and weight loss from a sustainable, holistic perspective to counter the damage that trendy fad diets can wreak on both your body and your mind, which earns her book a top spot on our shelf for years to come. Find Plantifully Lean on Amazon

Eating Does It: Healing Ourselves and Our Planet With Food by Kathy Pollard

Everyone has a different reason for going plant-based. For some, the eco-friendly nature of this diet is reason enough to cut out animal products. Cue Kathy Pollard, a research projects manager for the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and adjunct faculty in applied nutrition at the University of New England, who is passionate about educating people about how the food we eat impacts our environment. Eating Does It takes a thorough look at the harm our modern animal-focused food systems inflict on both our health and the future of the planet. Through examining the global rise in chronic disease, increasingly processed nature of the average person’s diet, and climate change data, Pollard makes a convincing case for the benefits of veganism. Despite the heavy subject matter, her book is underlaid with a sense of optimism that will motivate you to take action in your own life and beyond. Find Eating Does It: Healing Ourselves and Our Planet With Food on Healthy Learning

The Plant-Powered Plan to Beat Diabetes: A Guide for Prevention and Management by Sharon Palmer

Sharon Palmer, aka the Plant-Powered Dietitian, is a trailblazer in the WFPB community. Her upbringing in a farming family, extensive education in plant-based nutrition, and 20-year career as a dietitian solidly position her as an expert in the field. Her latest book educates readers on how to use their diet as a tool to manage diabetes. “The cool part about lifestyle intervention is that what’s good for diabetes is also what’s good for your heart, your brain, your kidneys, your liver—it’s good for everything,” says Palmer. “Going plant-based is not just a diabetes-specific diet. We should all be eating like this.” Tucked inside the chapters of The Plant-Powered Plan to Beat Diabetes you can find delicious recipes, loads of scientific research, and step-by-step meal plans to make a shift in your eating habits extra easy. Find The Plant-Powered Plan to Beat Diabetes: A Guide for Prevention and Management on Amazon.  

Plant-Based Delicious: Healthy, Feel-Good Vegan Recipes You’ll Make Again and Again by Ashley Madden

If we were to compile a list of plant-based all-star chefs, Ashley Madden would be right at the top. Her second cookbook puts a healthy vegan twist on comfort food favorites and incorporates exciting flavors that entice your taste buds with culinary combinations you’ve never tried before. Some of the recipes you can look forward to include Brown Rice Poutine with Miso Gravy, Moroccan Potpies with Almond Pastry, Spicy Sheet Pan Cauliflower Tacos, and Mint Chocolate Ice Cream Cheesecake. Plus, all the recipes in Plant-Based Delicious are also gluten- and oil-free, ensuring that people of a wide range of dietary needs can enjoy tasty meals. With her background as a pharmacist and registered holistic nutritionist, Madden braids together knowledge of Western health care and alternative medicine to deliver a truly meaningful book that you can trust to nourish you and your family. Find Plant-Based Delicious on Amazon

Plant-Powered Protein: Nutrition Essentials and Dietary Guidelines for All Ages by Brenda Davis, Vesanto Melina, and Cory Davis

“How do you get enough protein if you’re vegan?” We’ve all heard this question from well-meaning relatives and co-workers, and it’s about time to put it to rest. That’s where Plant-Powered Protein comes in. This insightful book from Brenda Davis, R.D., Vesanto Melina, R.D., and agrologist Cory Davis proves once and for all that plant-based sources of protein are comparable—if not even better—than animal-derived protein. This fact-packed book is perfect for the athlete in your life who is ready to switch up their diet and take their training to the next level. Apart from all the incredible scientific explanations, you’ll enjoy 30 plant-based recipes, pantry suggestions, and cooking tips to make the most of your newfound knowledge. Read an excerpt from Plant Powered Protein: Nutrition Essentials and Dietary Guidelines for All Ages here, and find the full book on Amazon

The Clean Vegan Cookbook by Jackie Akerberg 

As a kid, Jackie Akerberg’s distaste for meat confused her midwestern family and friends. Fast forward to adulthood, and Akerberg officially ditched all animal products to embrace a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. What started as vegan dinner parties soon turned into the successful blog Jackfruitful Kitchen, and this year, a debut cookbook. In The Clean Vegan Cookbook, Akerberg steers clear of meat substitutes, oil, or excessive sugar. “I’ve found that my body just functions and feels its best when I don’t have all those processed ingredients,” she says. Akerberg’s conversion to a plant-based lifestyle improved her health enormously, and she firmly believes the diet that helped her eliminate asthma symptoms, clear up breakouts, and easily maintain a healthy weight can help anyone and everyone on their own health journey. You can look forward to making Bang-Bang Baja “Shrimp” Tacos,  Curried Red Lentil Coconut Soup, and Power-Packed Blueberry Pancakes! Find The Clean Vegan on Amazon

The Plant-Based Dietitian’s Guide to Fertility: From Pre-Conception to Healthy Delivery by Lisa Simon, R.D.

If you or someone you know is planning to start a family, this book should be a foundational text for anyone’s first foray into parenthood. UK-based dietitian Lisa Simon offers a comprehensive guide on how a plant-based diet can optimize both male and female fertility, and includes inspiring anecdotes about her own journey to overcome infertility through changing up what she ate. This Holy Grail guide also features tips on managing stress, getting proper sleep, and making lifestyle changes that will impact your health long after your little one is born. Whether you’re already plant-based or looking for a holistic approach to family planning, this empathic and evidence-based book will provide invaluable knowledge for the next generation of parents. Find The Plant-Based Dietitian’s Guide to Fertility: From Pre-Conception to Healthy Delivery on Amazon. 

Wellness to Wonderful: 9 Pillars for Living Healthier, Longer, and with Greater Joy by Matthew Lederman, M.D., and Alona Pulde, M.D.

If your New Year’s resolution is to be happier, healthier, and more connected to the things you love, then this excellent read can act as a roadmap for achieving your goals. Long-time FOK contributors Matthew Lederman, M.D., and Alona Pulde, M.D., combine their experience as lifestyle medicine practitioners with cutting-edge scientific research to outline the nine pillars of living well. Within the pages of Wellness to Wonderful, you’ll discover how to optimize your sleep, connect to a supportive community, manage and reverse chronic disease, and fuel your mind, body, and soul with healthful practices so you can be your best self in 2024. You can read an excerpt from the book here, and buy Wellness to Wonderful: 9 Pillars for Living Healthier, Longer, and with Greater on Amazon. 

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Every Bit Counts: New Study Shows Big Benefits for Swapping Out Even 1 Daily Serving of Meat, Eggs https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/new-study-cardio-benefits-swapping-one-serving-meat-dairy-for-plants/ https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/new-study-cardio-benefits-swapping-one-serving-meat-dairy-for-plants/#respond Thu, 30 Nov 2023 19:55:07 +0000 /?p=165781 Want to go plant-based for your health but aren’t quite ready to overhaul your diet entirely? Good news: A new large-scale study...

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Want to go plant-based for your health but aren’t quite ready to overhaul your diet entirely? Good news: A new large-scale study suggests that replacing just one daily serving of animal products with whole plant foods may significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and premature death.

The meta-analysis, led by Germany-based diabetes researchers and published in the November 2023 issue of BMC Medicine, analyzed data from 37 studies that included, collectively, more than 500,000 participants over an average of 19 years. The goal was to identify links between diet and cardiometabolic health outcomes.

After adjusting for calorie intake, alcohol use, smoking, and other factors, the researchers found that replacing one daily portion of processed meat with whole grains correlated with a 36% lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Swapping in nuts for the processed meat was associated with a 27% reduction in CVD risk, while legumes were associated with a 23% reduction.

While the biggest gains were seen when swapping out processed meat, the researchers found that eating whole plant foods in lieu of red meat, dairy, and eggs also appeared to confer benefits. For instance, replacing a single serving of eggs with whole grains was associated with a 21% reduction in Type 2 diabetes risk. Replacing that same serving of eggs with nuts, meanwhile, translated to a 17% reduction in CVD, an 18% reduction in Type 2 diabetes, and a 15% reduction in all-cause mortality.

“Our findings suggest that a shift in diet from a high consumption of animal-based foods, especially red and processed meat, to plant-based foods (e.g., nuts, legumes, and whole grains) is associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality, CVD, and T2D,” the authors concluded.

Every Portion Counts

The analysis adds to the growing body of evidence that even relatively modest shifts toward a healthy plant-based diet can pay dividends. A 2020 study found that eating just one additional daily serving of fruits and vegetables was associated with a 25% lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. Two 2021 studies found dose-response relationships between healthy plant-based dietary patterns and a reduction in CVD risk. Other studies have found the inverse to be true, as well, linking added servings of red and processed meat with incremental upticks in CVD and T2D risk.

To learn more about a whole-food, plant-based diet, visit our Plant-Based Primer. For meal-planning support, check out Forks Meal Planner, FOK’s easy weekly meal-planning tool to keep you on a healthy plant-based path.

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What Is CKM Syndrome? American Heart Association Identifies New Condition That Links Heart Disease, Kidney Disease, Obesity https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/ckm-syndrome-american-heart-association-links-obesity-heart-kidney-disease/ https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/ckm-syndrome-american-heart-association-links-obesity-heart-kidney-disease/#respond Tue, 31 Oct 2023 17:23:03 +0000 /?p=164833 In light of growing evidence linking cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease, the American Heart Association recently issued a presidential...

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In light of growing evidence linking cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease, the American Heart Association recently issued a presidential advisory identifying a new medical condition called cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome.

What Is CKM Syndrome?

CKM syndrome is a systemic disorder characterized by reduced function in the kidneys, metabolism, and heart. By defining the syndrome, the AHA aims to highlight the interconnected nature of obesity, insulin resistance, chronic kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease; increase prevention; and encourage health care providers across different specialties to work together and embrace more holistic patient care approaches.

Two primary components of CKM are metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease. Characterized by abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, and hypertension, metabolic syndrome can lead to heart and blood vessel problems, making the development of cardiovascular disease subtypes such as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral artery disease, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure more likely. It can even lead to Type 2 diabetes, increasing the risk of developing kidney and vascular diseases.

Chronic kidney disease also raises the likelihood of heart and blood vessel problems. In fact, cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death among chronic kidney disease patients. According to AHA’s advisory, just 10% of those with chronic kidney disease survive long enough to reach kidney failure. The authors noted that chronic kidney disease is a proinflammatory condition that, in addition to contributing to heart and blood vessel problems, can lead to complications like anemia and bone mineral metabolism issues that exacerbate cardiovascular disease. Meanwhile, heart problems, particularly heart failure, can contribute to chronic kidney disease. And issues with blood vessels, such as atherosclerosis, can affect kidney blood vessels, leading to resistant hypertension and kidney failure.

The Stages of CKM Syndrome

Recognizing that early detection represents an opportunity for intervention, the authors outlined the following five stages of CKM syndrome.

  • Stage 0: In Stage 0 of CKM, a person is not overweight or obese and does not have chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, metabolic risk factors, or impaired glucose tolerance. This stage is most common among young children, adolescents, and young adults. AHA recommends that school programs encourage healthy eating and physical activity to help reduce weight gain and improve heart health. For young adults, avoiding weight gain can reduce the likelihood of developing CKM syndrome risk factors, including metabolic syndrome and prediabetes or diabetes.
  • Stage 1: Individuals are overweight or suffer from obesity, abdominal obesity, and/or dysfunctional adipose tissue without the presence of other metabolic risk factors or chronic kidney disease. They may also have impaired glucose tolerance or prediabetes.
  • Stage 2: Conditions include hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and/or chronic kidney disease.
  • Stage 3: This stage focuses on individuals who show signs of subclinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (encompassing such conditions as coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, carotid artery disease, and aortic disease) or heart failure along with CKM syndrome risk factors or chronic kidney disease.
  • Stage 4: This stage includes patients with clinical cardiovascular disease with excess body fat and other metabolic risk factors and/or chronic kidney disease. It is divided into two subgroups: 4a for those without kidney failure and 4b for those with kidney failure. Individuals may have previously suffered a stroke, heart attack, or heart failure.

“The main takeaway from my perspective is the fact that there really is no prevention; there’s only intervention,” says Columbus Batiste, MD, FACC, FSCAI, co-founder of Healthy Heart Nation. “Everyone is at risk for disease. The way [the AHA] characterized it was not ‘healthy and normal,’ and then stage one. [Instead] they say, ‘CKM Stage 0.’ I think that sets the tone.”

A chart showing the stages of cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome
Source: American Heart Association

Still, Batiste says, “I would love for them to go a little bit more in-depth with a lot of the strong data we know about the benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet.”

For example, a 2021 meta-analysis of nearly 100 studies found that diets focused on plant-based foods that limit consumption of refined cereals and starches are associated with a lower cardiovascular risk than diets that include mostly animal foods. Additionally, increasing your alkali intake by eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help reduce urinary markers of kidney damage in stage 2 chronic kidney disease patients.

But diet is just one part of the equation: Batiste also emphasizes the critical role exercise plays in helping individuals reduce excess belly fat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend adults aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week, or 30 minutes a day for five days a week.

“I always like to tell patients that it’s about lifestyle exercise,” Batiste says. “That means gardening, that means sweeping, it means vacuuming, it means climbing stairs. … Simple things actually add up to an awful lot, so a person doesn’t have to engage in hour-long brutal workouts to still glean the benefit of just basic, simple walking.”

To learn more about a whole-food, plant-based diet, visit our Plant-Based Primer. For meal-planning support, check out Forks Meal Planner, FOK’s easy weekly meal-planning tool to keep you on a healthy plant-based path.

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New Book ‘Eating Does It’ Highlights How Food Choices Can Cure Disease and Combat the Climate Crisis https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/new-book-eating-does-it-on-food-choices-climate-change/ Fri, 20 Oct 2023 17:42:11 +0000 https://www.forksoverknives.com/?p=164305 Kathy Pollard discovered the power of a plant-based lifestyle in an unlikely place: late-’90s rural Pennsylvania. Her interest in nutrition serendipitously aligned...

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Kathy Pollard discovered the power of a plant-based lifestyle in an unlikely place: late-’90s rural Pennsylvania. Her interest in nutrition serendipitously aligned with the North American Vegetarian Society’s annual health and nutrition conference, which was being held on a campus just an hour away from Pollard’s hometown. There, in unassuming college classrooms and auditorium panel sessions, she discovered a passion that would lead her to become one of the first instructors for T. Colin Campbell’s Center for Nutrition Studies, a research projects manager for the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and adjunct faculty in applied nutrition at the University of New England. This career trajectory introduced her to Stacey Verardo, a paleoclimatologist, who deepened Pollard’s understanding of how our food systems impact climate change. Pollard’s new book, written in conjunction with Verardo, Eating Does It: Healing Ourselves and Our Planet With Food, is the culmination of a career steeped in helping people see the connection between their personal health and the planet’s well-being.

The book, available on November 1, takes a deep dive into the intricate—and sometimes surprising—intersections between modern industrialized diets, chronic disease, and climate catastrophes. Pollard’s extensively researched work equips readers with the tools to not only make immediate changes in their dietary habits but also to analyze the conflicting claims around nutrition and climate change that often dominate news headlines.

“It’s a guidebook on the most attainable solutions that we have to the world’s most pressing problems,” says Pollard. “But it’s structured so that we understand how to discern what’s true and what’s not. The first section asks, what is science? What’s the scientific method? And how do we apply it critically to our everyday lives?”

To make things easy, Eating Does It provides readers with a checklist of steps to follow when determining whether a claim is accurate and trustworthy. Pollard’s conviction that science-backed decisions are paramount for healing our health and the environment is elaborated on in the bulk of the book’s chapters, which look at the impact of chronic disease and climate change in nine different regions around the world.

“These regions are suffering from chronic diseases that are actually [modifiable through diet],” Pollard says. “We’ve lost our way when it comes to the simple solutions for supporting our health. And it’s also not just about the food—it’s how you feel after you eat the food. You might feel better and be more prone to take a walk every day. And then before you know it, maybe you’ll be able to walk further, which would bring you to a park where you’d meet neighbors and make social connections, which is key for good health. When we start being intentional about what we put on our plates we can just watch the domino effect of good health fall from there.”

Our Bodies, Our Ecosystems

Pollard points to our modern food systems as the common denominator between the failing health of our bodies and of our planet. As she points out in the book, eating hamburgers uses 2.9 times more water, 2.5 times more energy, 13 times more fertilizer, and 1.4 times more pesticides than eating vegetarian foods.

“The amount of resources it takes to create any animal product is enormous,” says Pollard. “It takes 10 pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese. Think about all the water and the feed that was given to the cows to make that milk. The impact of having a simple cheese sandwich is huge. We could be feeding everybody on this earth with enough food if we didn’t give that food to animals.”

With so many climate catastrophes happening on a regular basis, Pollard hopes that Eating Does It can act as a beacon of hope for those who are struggling to stay optimistic in the face of such large-scale change.

“Hope is a key element to good health,” says Pollard. “We can’t accomplish anything without it. I recommend finding your why for going plant-based. For many of us, it’s helping the world, helping others, finding reasons to benefit beyond ourselves. That will keep us committed to a lifestyle that benefits the planet.”

Kathy Pollard’s 4 Food Rules

Change doesn’t happen overnight, which is why the last portion of Eating Does It includes an easily customizable menu of actions—both big and small—that you can take to better support your health and the environment. Regardless of which new practices you’re able to adopt, Pollard recommends keeping these core guidelines in mind when switching to a plant-based diet.

1. The more whole plants in your diet, the better.

Simple as that. Avoid processed foods as much as possible.

2. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Sometimes you’ll go to a birthday party and have a cupcake, and that’s OK. Pollard emphasizes that your overall health is dependent on your everyday dietary pattern, not the small deviations.

3. Eat the rainbow.

The phytochemicals and antioxidants in colorful fruits and veggies protect you from toxins and disease. Try to eat many different colors of whole plant foods every day.

4. Eat as much WFPB food as you want.

On a whole-food, plant-based diet you can eat as much as you want as long as it has intact fiber. This means whole grains, beans, whole fruit, and veggies that haven’t been processed or extracted. This dietary lifestyle allows you to eat until you’re full without watching portion size because it’s so healthy.

While Pollard acknowledges that we can’t solve climate change through how we eat alone, she contends that this is a critical first step to pressure large industries to shift their production practices to more sustainable solutions. A plant-based diet can function as a springboard for greater change, both in our health and our environment.

“We don’t have to wait for policy to change,” says Pollard. “We don’t have to wait for infrastructure to be built. We have a lot to do in this world to reverse the course of climate change, but the most effective and immediate tool we have is right in front of us every time we sit down to eat.”

To learn more about a whole-food, plant-based diet, visit our Plant-Based Primer. For meal-planning support, check out Forks Meal Planner, FOK’s easy weekly meal-planning tool to keep you on a healthy plant-based path.

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Eat Your Veggies, Cut Parkinson’s Risk by 22%, New Large-Scale Study Suggests https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/plant-based-diets-decrease-parkinsons-risk-study/ Fri, 06 Oct 2023 17:33:52 +0000 https://www.forksoverknives.com/?p=164089 Higher adherence to a healthy plant-based diet is linked with significantly lower risks of Parkinson’s disease (PD), according to new research published...

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Higher adherence to a healthy plant-based diet is linked with significantly lower risks of Parkinson’s disease (PD), according to new research published in Movement Disorders. The study also investigated the impact of unhealthy plant-based eating patterns, finding that diets with more refined grains and sugar-sweetened beverages increased the disease risk.

Parkinson’s disease is the fastest-growing neurological disease, affecting around 1% of those over 60 years old and 3% of those over 80 years old in industrialized countries. For this study, researchers from Queen’s University in Belfast examined data from 126,283 participants from the UK Biobank cohort over the course of nearly 12 years, during which time, 577 participants developed Parkinson’s. The researchers found that participants who reported eating more healthy plant-based foods were 22% to 25% less likely to develop the disease, accounting for genetic risk factors.

“We showed, for the first time, that eating a dietary pattern high in healthy plant-based foods reduced the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by 22 percent,” study author Aedin Cassidy, PhD, tells Forks Over Knives. “Simple changes to the diet, including increasing the intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and tea, may reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s. To date, there is no cure for PD, so strategies for prevention and reducing risk are really important.”

The Impact of Unhealthy Plant-Based Foods on Parkinson’s Risk

While the research found a healthy plant-rich diet helped curb Parkinson’s risks, the study emphasized that unhealthy plant-based foods present significant risks. The researchers showed that a general plant-based diet only reduced the risk by 18%. Additionally, the participants consuming more unhealthy plant-based foods, such as refined grains, sugar-sweetened beverages, and desserts, faced a 38% higher risk.

“Our novel study strengthens the knowledge around the health benefits of adhering to healthy plant-based dietary patterns, in this case, providing novel data that higher adherence reduces [Parkinson’s disease] risk,” says Cassidy. “These results are important to help refine and inform public health messages that consider plant-based diets and provide evidence that simple dietary change has the potential to reduce PD risk.”

More than analyzing the three dietary patterns, the researchers examined how specific foods impacted the participants’ risk levels. Higher consumption of nuts and tea reduced the risk of Parkinson’s by 31% and 25%, respectively. Eating more vegetables, such as greens, carrots, broccoli, kale, or tomatoes, lowered the risk by 28%.

Evidence proving that dietary patterns affect the risk of Parkinson’s disease is limited, but this study aims to better understand how food impacts brain health. Research indicates that diets rich in fiber, vitamins, and bioactive compounds can prevent chronic diseases by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

“Following a healthful plant-based diet could prevent the development of neurological conditions by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation and exerting neuroprotective effects,” Cassidy says. “Evidence is also growing to support the role of our gut microbiome, with a healthy plant-based diet enhancing the diversity of the bugs in our gut and producing neuropeptides.”

Eating Healthfully to Protect Your Brain

This study contributes to the expanding body of research linking what we eat to our brain health. A 2023 study from researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev found that a plant-forward diet is associated with a younger brain age; the researchers suggested this may be because plant-rich diets tend to promote healthy weight management and reduce oxidative stress. The results showed that a 1% reduction in body weight was linked to a nine-month decrease in brain age.

By contrast, meat consumption has been linked to higher risks for several neurological diseases. A 2021 study found that regularly consuming processed meat was associated with a significant spike in dementia risk. But simply cutting meat isn’t the only step to protecting brain health. Previous research has shown that healthier plant-based diets help fight against memory loss in older age. A study published in Neurology showed that the healthiest eaters were 24% less likely to have cognitive decline.

To learn more about a whole-food, plant-based diet, visit our Plant-Based Primer. For meal-planning support, check out Forks Meal Planner, FOK’s easy weekly meal-planning tool to keep you on a healthy plant-based path.

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Vegan Athlete Fiona Oakes on Her Remarkable Journey from Orthopedic Surgery to World-Record Marathons https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/vegan-runner-fiona-oakes-from-knee-surgery-to-world-record-marathons/ Thu, 05 Oct 2023 17:09:51 +0000 https://www.forksoverknives.com/?p=164025 Photo by Kirsten Kortebein Fiona Oakes has completed marathons on every continent, setting four world records along the way. The world-class British...

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Photo by Kirsten Kortebein

Fiona Oakes has completed marathons on every continent, setting four world records along the way. The world-class British runner does it all for one purpose: to encourage people to eat plants. Forks Over Knives spoke with Oakes about her early involvement in animal welfare, why she took up running marathons with no previous experience, and how her passion for a vegan lifestyle fuels her athletic pursuits.

You changed your diet when you were young. Why?

Fiona Oakes: I stopped eating meat at 3 and became vegan when I was 6. I had never heard the word vegan, but I was completely aligned with and passionate about the concept of a cruelty-free lifestyle, where nothing and no one suffers on my behalf. My mother was supportive— my father and grandparents, far less so. In their defense, this was back in the 1970s, when there was no literature, research, or role models available to describe what veganism actually meant. The issue came to a head when I had orthopedic knee surgery as a teen [to remove a tumor], and medical professionals [likened] my veganism to an eating disorder. My mother was accused of child abuse for consenting to it. Her argument was that the real cruelty would be to force a child so committed to something to turn away from it because of pressure from others. My mother has always been so supportive, and I am so blessed that she is still at my side to this day.

How did you get into running?

FO: I started around 2002. I had been concentrating all my efforts on the Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary; I started that in 1993, and it remains my priority and passion today, with around 500 rescued animals. But after a few years, I realized that [there was a limit to the number] of animals I could help by providing a loving forever home. So I was trying to find a way to get the vegan message into the mainstream. Then “marathon” became the buzzword, after Paula Radcliffe ran a world’s-best marathon time in London [in 2002]. Doing a marathon could offer the credentials I needed to prove that as a vegan, you could not only survive but thrive in the most brutal of endurance events. I didn’t know if I would be able to run with my knee condition, but two years later, I qualified to line up with Radcliffe on the elite start of the London Marathon.

Vegan ultramarathon runner Fiona Oakes runs across the Sahara desert, smiling
Photo courtesy Fiona Oakes

What achievement are you most proud of?

FO: Co-founding the Vegan Runners Club. My main aim through running has been to promote veganism, and when I realized I would have an opportunity to get high profile, positive publicity by wearing “Vegan” on my vest during races, another runner and I decided to start Vegan Runners in 2004. It’s not only a running club but also a worldwide community of passionate animal advocates who are ambassadors for plant-based living.

What are your future goals for running?

FO: I want to keep running to show people what is possible. That even one person might see what I have done—and continue to do—on a completely plant-based diet and consider following suit is the biggest prize my sport could offer me.

fiona oakes holding her world record medals after completing a marathon on every continent
Photo courtesy Fiona Oakes

Fiona Oakes’ Record-Breaking Career

Despite losing her right kneecap to a tumor as a teen, Fiona Oakes has established herself as one of the greatest distance runners of our time. Here’s a timeline of her record-breaking career.

  • 2002 – Takes up running.
  • 2007 – Sets course records for the Halstead Marathon and Ruska Marathon.
  • 2011 – Sets a course record for the Dartmoor Vale Marathon.
  • 2012 – Completes the 150-mile ultra-marathon Marathon des Sables.
  • 2013 – Wins the Antarctic Ice Marathon, setting a course record, and the North Pole Marathon. Completes a marathon on every continent, earning three Guinness World Records in the process.
  • 2014 – Completes the Marathon des Sables for a second time.
  • 2015 – Undertakes a personal challenge of running a marathon a day for seven consecutive days, each on a different continent. She completes six. Bad weather prevents her plane from landing in Antarctica, forcing her to forgo the seventh.
  • 2017 – Completes her third Marathon des Sables.
  • 2018 Sets a Guinness World Record at the Midnight Sun Marathon for the fastest half-marathon run in an animal costume. Running for Good—a documentary about Oakes’ life and career, directed by Keegan Kuhn of What the Health and Cowspiracy—premieres.
  • 2020 – After the Marathon des Sables is postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Oakes runs the 150-mile distance at home.

To learn more about a whole-food, plant-based diet, visit our Plant-Based Primer. For meal-planning support, check out Forks Meal Planner, FOK’s easy weekly meal-planning tool to keep you on a healthy plant-based path.

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The Best Animal Sanctuaries to Visit for Nose-to-Snout Experiences https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/the-best-animal-sanctuaries-to-visit-for-nose-to-snout-experiences/ Fri, 29 Sep 2023 17:27:32 +0000 https://www.forksoverknives.com/?p=163900 Looking for a feel-good field trip? Connect with rescued animals at one of these incredible farm sanctuaries across the United States. These...

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Looking for a feel-good field trip? Connect with rescued animals at one of these incredible farm sanctuaries across the United States. These safe havens shelter a wide range of critters—from cows and pigs to birds and bunnies—that have been rescued from slaughterhouses, laboratories, neglectful homes, and other dangerous situations.

Hands-on sanctuary tours let you get up close and personal with the furry residents while also providing education on how a plant-based lifestyle can prevent animals from needing sanctuary in the first place.

Best Friends

Kanab, Utah

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

Nestled among the stunning red rock vistas of southern Utah, this massive sanctuary is home to more than 1,600 cats, dogs, pigs, horses, birds, bunnies, and other rescued friends. Visitors can take a guided tour of the grounds, volunteer to help care for the animals (which ensures extra up-close time with the residents), enjoy a vegan lunch at the on-site cafe, and explore the many hiking trails that wind through the beautiful canyons.

“We hope visitors are compelled by the magic they experience at the sanctuary to help animals in their own community,” says Best Friends spokeswoman Michelle Sathe. “Best Friends is dedicated to ending the killing of shelter pets by 2025, and this will only happen if we get every animal-lover in America on board.”

You can tour Best Friends Animal Sanctuary for free. For an extra-special experience, stay at one of the on-site cottages or cabins and have a “sleepover” with an adoptable sanctuary animal. Learn more and sign up here.

Catskill Animal Sanctuary

Saugerties, New York

Catskill Animal Sanctuary

Ten different species of farm animals currently call this East Coast oasis home. Tucked away in New York’s picturesque Hudson Valley, Catskill Animal Sanctuary offers engaging tours of the grounds and its residents, educational programs for kids, and vegan cooking classes that support their mission to end animal exploitation. Over the past 22 years, their dedicated team has rescued and rehabilitated more than 5,000 animals.

“Two decades of this work have shown us its transformative power,” says Camryn Beck, a digital marketing and communications associate at the sanctuary. “When an animal lover with a traditional diet is greeted by a cow who licks their face or a turkey who plops into their lap … their defenses drop, their heart is opened, and they’re often eager to make different choices.”

A charming upscale farmhouse is available to rent on-site for visitors who want to stay overnight and experience the magic of waking up to crowing roosters and mooing cows.

Catskill Animal Sanctuary offers 90-minute regular tours and 60-minute family-focused tours for around $25 for adults and $2 for children. You can also purchase a day pass, which includes a tour, for $50. Learn more and sign up here.

The Gentle Barn

Santa Clarita, California; Christiana, Tennessee; and Dittmer, Missouri

The Gentle Barn

Since its inception in 1999, The Gentle Barn has saved thousands of animals and connected more than 750,000 visitors to inspiring stories of animal resilience. Each of the three stunning properties hosts guided tours on Sundays where you can rub the bellies of friendly pigs, cuddle up with fluffy turkeys, and look into the eyes of majestic horses. If you’re searching for a way to de-stress, their hour-long Cow Hug Therapy sessions are offered four days a week for a $200 donation.

“We hope that through their experience at the barn guests realize that we are more alike than we are different, and that both animals and humans deserve safety, freedom, and respect,” says Gentle Barn event coordinator Courtney Eklund.

Tours of the Gentle Barn must be booked in advance, and tickets range from $15 to $25. (Children 2 years and under are admitted for free.) Learn more and sign up here.

Animal Place

Grass Valley, California

Animal Place

As one of the oldest animal sanctuaries in America, Animal Place provides a home to hundreds of critters rescued from cruelty cases, feedlots, research labs, and slaughterhouses. The 600-acre property in Northern California is open for tours where visitors can explore the barns and pastures to interact with furry and feathered friends. While nose-to-snout encounters are certainly the highlight, the sanctuary also hosts a Museum of Animal Farming, vegan cooking classes, and community events that spread awareness about animal welfare.

“Our goal is not only to educate folks about the individual personalities of the animals, but also to show them the complex social structures of the different species,” says executive director Kim Sturla. “We repeatedly draw comparisons between companion animals and those raised for food. Compassion for others—human and nonhuman animals—is an essential part of being a vegan.”

Learn more about Animal Place here.

Farm Sanctuary

Acton, California, and Watkins Glen, New York

Farm Sanctuary

What began with a single rescued sheep has now blossomed into two farm sanctuaries where more than 700 pigs, goats, chickens, cows, turkeys, and other traditionally slaughtered animals call home. Farm Sanctuary believes in ending the exploitation of animals not only to preserve the dignity of all living beings, but to help prevent climate change, fight for social justice, and improve public health. Their dual properties, in Upstate New York and Southern California, invite guests to meet the animals face-to-face and learn about their unique stories as ambassadors of the animal agriculture system.

“No matter what leads someone to choose a plant-based lifestyle—be it for health, the environment, social justice, or something else—the recognition that it also helps reduce animal suffering is a powerful motivator and, for some people, will be the factor that leads to lasting change,” says Meredith Turner-Smith, Farm Sanctuary’s media relations specialist. “If we can live well without causing harm, why wouldn’t we?”

Farm Sanctuary offers one-hour guided tours, and if you have young kids you can partake in a children’s tour that offers age-appropriate education. General admission is $15, and kids under 2 are free. You can also book an overnight experience at their New York location and stay in luxurious cabins surrounded by stunning views and adorable animals.

More Vegan Travel Destinations

Aro Ha retreat center, a vegan resort

Looking for more vegan-friendly travel? Check out our list of incredible plant-based resorts that you should have on your bucket list. From the coasts of California to the beaches of Costa Rica and the mountains of New Zealand, there’s a WFPB paradise perfect for your next holiday.

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Vegan Strong Plantbuilt Team Heads Back to the Mr. America Competition with New Member Briana Jones https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/vegan-strong-plantbuilt-team-heads-back-to-the-mr-america-competition-with-new-member-briana-jones/ Tue, 19 Sep 2023 17:32:48 +0000 https://www.forksoverknives.com/?p=163533 Photo by Charlotte Foerschler She’s a mother, nurse, marathon runner, and Navy veteran…and now Briana Jones is hoping to add another title...

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Photo by Charlotte Foerschler

She’s a mother, nurse, marathon runner, and Navy veteran…and now Briana Jones is hoping to add another title to her impressive résumé: vegan champion. After being introduced to CrossFit through a Groupon deal, she quickly fell in love with the sport and joined the Vegan Strong Plantbuilt team, a diverse group of bodybuilders and other strength athletes on a mission to demonstrate the power of a cruelty-free diet. At 2022’s Mr. America competition, Vegan Strong Plantbuilt scored a total of 18 medals. This year, they plan to top that stellar performance as they take the stage October 6–8 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. We chatted with Jones—who will be competing in the A.C. Fitness Throwdown event at Mr. America—about why she chose a plant-based diet, what she eats before and after workouts, and why she thinks her team will outshine the rest in this year’s competition.

Why did you adopt a whole-food, plant-based diet?

Briana Jones: In high school, I eliminated a lot of meat from my diet. As I learned about inflammation, I started to eliminate dairy because I have asthma. I fully adopted the diet after watching the Forks Over Knives documentary, and I noticed my asthma improved almost immediately.

What do you like to eat before and after workouts?

BJ: I usually eat an apple and oatmeal with flax and hemp seeds before I work out. Sweet potatoes are my go-to. I’ll snack on them throughout the day when I’m competing. After I work out, I’ll have a big grain bowl with beans for protein (chickpeas are my favorite) and cucumbers and tomatoes for hydration. I’ll eat that and an acai bowl with bananas, strawberries, and blueberries.

Vegan CrossFit athlete Briana Jones deadlifting weights in a gym as she prepares to compete in the Mr America competition as part of the Vegan Strong Plantbuilt team
Photo by @alexhayesphoto

What sets the Vegan Strong Plantbuilt team apart from other Mr. America competitors?

BJ: What separates us is the recovery aspect. Now that I’m plant-based, I recover a lot better, and the food I’m eating is actually nourishing my body. When I’m recovering between events, I’m eating sweet potatoes and I’m watching other people eat gummy bears. I know I’m getting instant energy and nutrients to get me through the next event. I’m not going to have a high and then crash. That makes a huge difference.

What would you say to someone who’s interested in a plant-based diet?

BJ: Do a little research and go for it. In a week, you’ll notice a significant difference in your body that will motivate you to continue on—more energy, better sleep. Take it a day at a time, adding one plant-based meal to your day for a week, then two the next week, and three the next. Before you know it, you’ve adopted a lifestyle that is going to give you a lot of energy and feel rewarding.

Vegan CrossFit athlete Briana Jones trains on gymnastic rings
Photo by @theiconicimagery

What are you most looking forward to at this year’s Mr. America competition?

BJ: We’re excited to go out and show our strengths. Our goal is to represent what it looks like to eat a plant-based diet and be healthy and strong. When you’re plant-based, people think you can’t build muscle, you can’t be strong, that you’re going to be skinny. We want everyone to see that, “Hey, these plant-based athletes are competing and they’re doing well.” It’s all about leading by example, and it’s nice to be able to demonstrate that to the world in a positive way.

To learn more about a whole-food, plant-based diet, visit our Plant-Based Primer. For meal-planning support, check out Forks Meal Planner, FOK’s easy weekly meal-planning tool to keep you on a healthy plant-based path.

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