These vegan chocolate chip pumpkin muffins are great for a crowd and so delicious. Pumpkin puree and mashed banana add enough natural sweetness that you only need a little bit of added sweetener (maple syrup) and vegan chocolate chips to make a truly decadent-tasting muffin.

Recipe adapted from Julieanna Hever’s Blueberry Oat Breakfast Muffins in Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health, edited by Gene Stone

By Julieanna Hever,


  • 1 medium banana, mashed
  • 1 (15-ounce) can pumpkin puree
  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups whole oat flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 cup grain-sweetened dairy-free chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 375°F. In a large bowl, combine mashed banana, pumpkin puree, maple syrup, and vanilla.
  • In a small bowl, combine oat flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. Transfer mixture to large bowl and mix together gently until well combined. Avoid over-mixing to prevent toughness in the final product. Fold in chocolate chips.
  • Spoon batter into silicon muffin cups and bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins are lightly browned. Remove muffins from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Store muffins in an airtight container.

Comments (104)

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Angie Picazo

Hi I made these muffins with sweet potatoes instead of pumpkins and the family loved them.. Also how many calories per muffin? I would love to know please.

Tawny Cleveland

Easy and ingredients on hand. Absolutely delicious and moist. Thank you!


Yum! I tried what another reviewer suggested and substituted 1/2 of the oat flour for almond flour and that worked out great. The muffins turned out moist and delicious. :D


The best plant based muffins ever! 1st time made exactly following recipe and used silicone muffin pan-they were perfect. 2nd time made with 1/2 dairy free dark Chocolate chips and 1/2 cup walnuts and they were perfect!

Nancy M

Absolutely love these muffins! Found this FOK recipe years ago and make them almost every week. I use two bananas instead of one, double the spices and use Choc Zero chips that are monk fruit sweetened. Whenever we have guests for coffee, I make these and everyone loves them


Great muffins!!


The best pumpkin muffins I’ve ever made. I used half oat flour and almond flour. Otherwise I made the muffins per the recipe. I will be making them again and again. Loved the texture!


No eggs and oil added in Chocolate pumpkin muffin ?


Nope. This is a plant-based site so no animal products at all. FOK also preaches no oil as it's highly processed. These muffins are very good!!


These muffins taste really good. Used almond flour. They were very crumbly. Didn’t see that in any of the comments. Wonder if flax egg would help them stick together. I also cooked them longer (30 minutes). They were still a little wet. Used large banana because I had less pumpkin. We don’t have 15 oz cans here.


Try adding 1/4 cup chickpea flour (chana besan) to help bind the almond flour. I usually substitute eggs with chickpea flour in quick bread and custard (quiche) recipes with good results.

Karen James

This recipe is really good! I used butternut squash because that's what I had. Otherwise I followed the recipe exactly.


Delicious! The best vegan muffin recipes I’ve tried. I used 1/2 chocolate chips & 1/2 raisins.


Excellent muffins. I used squash that I had previously cooked and frozen.


I thought they were great! If you are expecting a generic muffin, this is not. It's obviously made from whole foods, and that is why it is more dense! The flavor is perfect. I just cook mine for 5 minutes longer.


Love these muffins, good recipe as a base recipe to experiment with. I don’t have access to DF chocolate chips so used 1/3 cup of chopped walnuts, also used date paste instead of maple syrup. Baking for 30 minutes works for me. They taste even better the second day.


Thanks Sonia, I was just wondering what I could use instead of the maple syrup - dates will be perfect! Planning to use raisins instead of the chocolate chips as well.


Like other reviewers have commented- even with baking an extra 15 minutes these are an unpleasant, wet texture.


These are so delicious. Maybe a tiny bit dense but I like my muffins denser. The perfect amount of spice and sweetness. I will definitely make these again.


Deeeeelicous! I make these all the time and finally decided to post a review. This is one of my favorite recipes to go with a quick breakfast or for an easy snack. I use half of the amount of chocolate chips. They freeze well. I've subbed half whole wheat pastry flour before and they turned out really well too. I might try sweet potato puree soon in place of the pumpkin and see how it works.

Francesca Massari

Thank you for making this recipe gluten free!!! I can't wait to try it.

Jessica Bartlebaugh

Nutrition label?

Megan Edwards

Hi Jessica, We are currently working on adding nutritional information to all our recipes and anticipate for this feature to be live on the website by the end of the year. Please stay tuned for updates!

Lisa F

Will chickpea flour work?

Courtney Davison

Hi Lisa, Chickpea flour has a stronger taste than oat flour, so we'd recommend using a combination of chickpea flour and either oat flour or wheat flour. We haven't tested this recipe out with chickpea flour ourselves, so if you do give it a try, please let us know how it goes! Thank you, Courtney Editor, Forks Over Knives


These are delicious! I used 1 1/2 C whole wheat flour and 1/2 C ground flaxseeds. I also used 3 T pumpkin pie spice instead of the other spices. Turned out great!

Anne Schroeder

I made these today just before church. These are so good. I throughly enjoyed them. I gave some to 2 friends and my neighbor who I just love. They will be come my comfort muffin of choice.


Love these. I make them all the time, my kids eat them once they cook from the oven and sometimes I make a double batch and freeze them to have for snacks on the go. They are a regular recipe in my house and I love that they are oil free and wfpb.


We make these every couple weeks at my house, and always devour them quickly. They are soo so good and yes, moist. I find I like the texture better after they are refrigerated overnight. I think it firms them up a bit. I don’t change a thing. My daughter made up a song about these muffins when she was three she loves them so much!


I had to try this recipe, after seeing such mixed reviews. Well, they were decent. My kids enjoyed them because of the chocolate chips, as did I, but I probably wouldn't make them again. They were dense, as others have said. Not bad though at all, if you have puree to use up.

Jena Steiner

These turned out well. I had to use wheat flour as the store was out of oat flour and I had wheat on hand. I was worried this might ruin the texture but I don’t think so. I added a little less than a cup of choc chips and put in a few pecan pieces. Which I think were a good addition.

Patty Toy

This was absolutely delicious


I would like to make these with whole wheat flour. Can I substitute 1:1? Thanks!


I didn't have a fresh ripe banana but I had a frozen one so I mashed that. I increased the maple syrup to 1/3 cup, and stuck a pecan into the top of each muffin straight out of the oven. They came out perfect, moist and delicious. A keeper! Thank you.


One of the best recipes ever. I double the recipe do halp with chocolate chips and the other half pecans and raisins/cranberries. These are always devoured in minutes!


Please give suggests to make it less dense and wet. The flavors are great, but it is like eating a dense brownie. More flour? Less flour? Less banana/applesauce or pumpkin puree? Bake longer? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated?


These were AMAZING!!!

Cloudy Rockwell

These were too wet and a reminder to me that I shouldn’t use bananas to sweeten my baking. This would have made at least 15-18 muffins—as it was, they are mushy and a bit chewy. I think I prefer a caliber muffin, and should stick to simpler and fewer indgredients. The chocolate chips were too much, my husband & I ate one each, critiqued them, and I threw out the rest.


They taste yummy but turned out wet for me. I even used a can with 398ml (less than 15 oz) of pumpkin bc that is the norm in Canada. I will try again to tweek it. I used bought oat flour…would that make a difference?

Linda Sandifer

One of my favorite fall recipes. I do add 1/2 cup of walnuts.


These are sooo good. I used 1 cup of oat flour, 1/2 millet flour, 1/2 sorghum flour. Added some candied ginger with the chocolate chips. Very tasty. Will make again....and again.


This recipe is a KEEPER. I had half a can of pumpkin I needed to use up, so I made a half batch of this recipe. I subbed applesauce for the banana and skipped the cinnamon and other spices (I just used vanilla). They turned out great, I will definitely be making these again!


I was thinking of subbing in applesauce because I have a kid with a serious banana aversion, thanks for posting that it worked!


How much applesauce did you use to replace the banana? I don’t always have bananas on hand.


I just made these but replaced the chocolate chips with walnuts. They were very good and plenty sweet without the chocolate. Next time I’m going to add shredded carrot and coconut as well for a no-oil, low-sugar “Morning Glory” muffin!


I’d love to comment on the texture and flavor of these muffins, but this is my second batch that my kids have gobbled right up. Perfect breakfast or after school snack. I love how simple and how few ingredients there are. I made as the recipe called for with no subs.

Phala Bowles

If we really want people to go Vegan we've got to do better than this ..

Linda Sandifer

These are amazing!! I’m sorry they didn’t turn out for you.

Phala Bowles

Didn't rise, wasn't sweet, bitter and dense.


Maybe it’s the baker and not the recipe? These muffins are wonderful!


These are wonderful! I used 1/2 cup chocolate chips and 180 grams of oat flour. Mixed only until combined and they came out light and fluffy.


I thought these were very good. quite moist and dense to give an extra sense of fullness. I used Sorghum flour ( 1 cup) and 1 cup of rolled oats. I used date syrup instead of maple syrup. I think I would like them better without the chocolate chips.....maybe raisins or nuts ( although I can't have nuts).


I make these often! Instead of the chocolate chips, I'll use raisins, or better yet ORANGE raisins and a few almond slivers.


Nice muffins. Added some walnuts for some crunch. Would be nice to have the nutritional breakdown of the baking recipes. Thank you


My husband and I just love this recipe. The muffins are delicious! I have to buy silicone cupcake trays. I only had regular cupcake trays and paper cupcake holders so it stuck to the paper more than I would have preferred.


Just made these for second time. Baked a pumpkin instead of canned, added chips, pepitas and cashews this time. Also only had frozen banana. Delicious muffins. And i feel good after eating them. Thanks!


Great recipe. Muffins were a little dense, haven’t risen enough. But so delicious. Also - I got 23 muffins! All together super delicious!


These were the absolute best muffins!! Very easy recipe and so delish!!! Packed with a tons of flavor ...

c p sowell

You neglect to give the yield of this recipe. Please do so, and for all your recipes. We need to know in case we need to modify the amounts.


Says it makes 12 muffins under the picture and title.


These are excellent! I replaced just over a half cup walnuts instead of chocolate chips! Will make these again! Thanks for the recipe!

Rebekah Welch

Delicious! We liked these a lot. I’ll definitely make these again. I grounded up whole oats in my Vitamix for the whole oat flour.


Has anyone made this into a loaf instead of muffins? If so, what changes did you make if any? Thanks


Could these be made as cookies instead?

Rena Hadas

Added 1/4 c. Walnuts. LOVE this recipe!

Laura Selby

Very easy to make. May make mini ones next time. Delicious batter too

Tami Furlong

I just saw this today on Facebook and had to make them. Wow! These are so good! I will be making these very often!


What is calorie count on this recipe, please?

john hannam

How would this work with almond, spwlt, coconut, ir xhickpea flour... Love this your magazine often..thanks!


Is there a calorie, carb and sugar content anywhere?


I found the batter too dense, maybe using weight to measure the flour would have helped.


Thant would be really nice to have that info since vegan gluten-free baking can be a bit tricky and measuring by weight can help.


Good question. King Arthur says 1 c oat flour weighs 92g, Bob's Red Mill says 120 per cup. Big difference. I wonder the same about the volume/weight of the banana...

Terisa Clawson

What can I use instead of banana?


I used unsweetened applesauce.


@Gayle, how much applesauce did you use?

Roberta aDowney

I’m betting a mashed avocado would work.


I used applesauce, too! I just eyeballed it. About "one banana's worth" haha.


Could you make these with sweet potato instead?


These are soo good!!!


I literally NEVER leave reviews but have to leave one for THIS one. This is the best muffin recipe you will try. I am addicted and have made this several times! Try this- you won’t be sorry!


These are so delicious and clean! Great there's no oil or vegan butter, which seems to be mentioned in so many vegan recipes. Even my family loves them and they are not big pumpkin fans!! Thanks for the recipe!

Kathy Gudenau

My friend said these were great

Melinda L Sanz

Can protein oats (the Kodiak brand) be used to make these muffins? It's basically rolled oats with added pea and whey protein.


You're missing the point of Forks Over Knives. A whole foods plant-based diet does NOT include dairy. Whey is dairy protein and very bad for you.

Martha Waltien

No dairy in any F O K recipes.


Super yummy muffins. The whole family enjoys them. Thanks


These muffins are amazingly delicious!! Just made a double batch of them. This is my second time baking these and I'll continue to bake them during the cold season:)


Oh my gosh these are so so good!


Oh my gosh, these are so so good.


These are delicious! I’ve been making them for a few years now. One of my seasonal favorites I always make.


Could I substitute with almond flour? If so, would it be a 1:1 substitution? I’ve never used oat flour before. Thanks!

Lynette Bodell

I prefer these muffins with 1/2 oat flour and 1/2 almond flour. You can make oat flour by simply blending your oats in a blender

Pamela Mattingly

Always amazing ❤️

Maggie Landes

very easy and good! Love that they are oil free.

Lori Stegall

Really easy recipe, great fall taste! Even my 16 year old son ate them!

Jessamyn A Kennedy

Hi! Will this be added to the meal planner app? Tried to add it to this coming weeks plan with no success. Thanks!

Anita Murphy

Fantastic and easy recipe. Healthy and moist.

Michon Roth

Can you sub whole wheat and/or spelt flour?

Claude R

I have the same question


These look so good! What brand of choc chips do you like?

Angye Jones

These were tasty, but if using mini chocolate chips, I recommend cutting it down to 1/2 cup. The batter was rather thick so you need to spread it out in the muffin pan to make a nice top.


These are so good! I love that they're not too crumbly and not too dense. I used dark chocolate chips.


Just made these for my kids. The only change I made was to sub 1/2 the chocolate chips for raisins, just to cut down on add'l fats. There wasn't much liquid to mix in but they turned out great! They didn't rise much. I love that there's only a bit of sweetener, although you could add more maple syrup without guilt. My kids loved them!

About the Author

Headshot of Julieanna Hever, RD

About the Author

Julieanna Hever

Julieanna Hever is author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition, columnist for VegNews magazine, and a special consultant to Forks Over Knives. Hever is also a nationally sought-out speaker and was featured on The Dr. Oz Show. For updates from Hever, visit and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
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